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Geelong College Roll of Honour

Current Location

Geelong College
Talbot Street

Geelong College Roll of Honour

School Community, City of Greater Geelong

Board Description

Metallic honour roll with gold coloured lettering and bronze background. Geelong College crest with pegasus and latin inscription is in the title. Theatres of war are draped around the left column and Australian military branches on the right along with leaves and floral emblems.

Full Inscription




(12 columns of names)



R.A.N. – A.I.F. – R.A.A.F. – M.E.F.?

(Extra name affixed under 6th column)

GREAT WAR 1914 1919


Last Name Initials Suffix Notation
Aikman AC
Allardyce AGP
Anderson AL
Anderson WW
Appleford ST
Armytage SF
Atherton GD
Backwell AL
Backwell CE
Baird GM
Baker JE
Banfield AE
Batten V
Beamish FT
Bell J
Bell JC
Bell RL
Bell WM
Bennett OB
Berry RA
Berry WW
Bews ORS
Birnie GA
Birnie NES
Birnie RK
Birrell WAH
Black RN
Blair KW
Blake RP
Boag CC
Bourchier NG
Braham AC
Braham RG
Briant CE
Broughton JM
Brumley AL
Brumley EJ
Buchanan R
Bumpstead SR
Butt CR
Calder HW
Calvert AC
Calvert AM
Calvert CM
Calverton PN
Cameron Ian
Cameron RE
Campbell AM
Campbell IA
Campbell JH
Campbell PSC
Campbell RK
Campbell RN
Carr GG
Carr JW
Carrick CB
Carroll EJB
Carstairs HG
Carty LEW
Cavanagh AW
Cavanagh BH
Cavanagh ER
Champ FCU
Chirnside JI
Cherry GE
Cocking KW
Coles AW
Coles DH
Collins ASM
Collocott HF
Connor JI
Cother AE
Cotton LM
Crisp RH
Cruise AJ
Cullen FHH
Cummings EHL
Cutts AR
Cutts LR
Cutts WC
Dardel EW
Dardel FR
Dardel JH
Darlot OH
David TA
Davidson AI
Davidson JH
Davidson KM
Davis DA
Deans GW
Dennis CE
Dennis CJ
Dennis JL DeG.
Dennis JV
Dennis RL
Dickson D
Dixon AB
Doig K McK.
Dougall AW
Douglas GJ
Douglass LF
Dowling CW
Dowling JW
Drew HOS
Dunlop WAS
DeBavay FX
DeGruchy T
Edgar IS
Edmonds JR
Ellis D
Elvins HFH
Evans N McT.
Evans SW
Fenton DTH
Ferguson WA
Finch ES
Fleming G
Flett JP
Ford CL
Foreman LJ
Franklin GEJ
Freeman ABJ
Freeman JA
Freeman NM
Gadd RB
Gale CC
Gibb HI
Gibson GW
Gibson J
Gibson JB
Glassford IG
Grace LE
Gray EO
Green AS
Gregory C
Grigg DD
Gullan RM
Gunn AD
Gunn R McG.
Hagenhauer HA
Haines GV
Hall HH
Hall HN
Harper JD
Harvey WW
Hawker CWE
Hawkes TB
Hearne ET
Hearne KG
Hedges HM
Hedges WS
Hendy JC
Herman AG
Herman FG
Hicks HF
Hirst H
Hitchens HH
Hobson CE
Hodges HG
Hodges LG
Hodges NF
Hodges RI
Hodgson RJ
Holloway ES
Hooper AAW
Hope JW
Hope RW
Hope WW
Houston AS
Howatson G
Howsam LG
Hunter JAC
Hurst EJ
Hurst HE
Hurst LN
Inglis W
Ireland CJ
Irvine AG
Jackson JD
Jacobs HL
James CH
James GR
Jeffrey AO
Jennison JW
Johnson NL
Johnstone HT
Johnstone JN
Jones AG
Jones JD
Jones RW
Kelso DL
Kennedy EJ
Kennedy LE
Kerr T
King J
Kininmonth JC
Knight HW
Knight RB
Laidlaw RJ
Lamble R
Latta DM
Lawrence LH
Leggatt WW
Levy A
Littlejohns RW
Lock SM
Longden CR
Longden F
Longden NA
Lowe R
MacDonald WS
Mack JD
Mack S
Mackay ER
Mackay FJ
Mackay GG
Mackenzie AS
Mackintosh AE
Macknight HHR
Maclean AG
Maclean AK
Maclean NA
MacLeod EL
MacMillan WE
MacRoberts AH
Madden GB
Malcolm RHB
Mathews NR
McCarthur GS
McCallum P
McCann AA
McCormick SJ
McCulloch WB
McDonald AF
McDonald DR
McGregor JDI
McHarry V
McKechnie CG
McKechnie JN
McKenzie KA
McKenzie LE
McKenzie SA
McKindlay JL
McKindlay JR
McLennan AN
McLennan AR
McNeilage GC
McPherson WO
McWilliam G
Meakin AI
Meakin RH
Miller JA
Milne A
Mitchell GAN
Mitchell LG
Mitchell SK
Moors NL
Moreton CK
Moreton FE
Moreton GV
Moreton SH
Morgan NAP
Morris A
Morrison AR
Morrison GNI
Morrison WJ
Mortimer S
Mountjoy SG
Munro G
Murray AS
Murray E
Murray TP
Myers C
Nasmith DS
Newbury AC
Nicholson LW
Nowatna CW
O'Farrell V
Officer R
Ogilvie GS
O'Hara MO
Oliver DH
Oliver WD
Osborne JB
Paine DW
Parrington TW
Paul HKB
Peacock JK
Peacock WK
Pearce JV
Pearce WB
Pearson CK
Philip EJ
Philip EM
Philip WH
Philip WS
Phillipps MT
Porter JR
Poynder GH
Price CL
Price FN
Pullar PG
Purnell FC
Purnell KC
Purnell NR
Purnell H
Rand TE
Rankin JMC
Read AGF
Reeve CF
Reid HB
Reid JW
Reid LE
Reid WJ
Reid WJ
Reilly WL
Rhind HG
Richardson FE
Richardson L
Richardson RA
Riggall EGM
Riordan KV
Roberts RAJ
Robertson HCH
Robertson Hume
Robertson JC
Robins CT
Rock W
Roebuck SR
Roeszler HL
Rogers EGG
Rogers JD
Sadler VWS
Salmon JW
Sandford EW
Sandford GJ
Scott FES
Scott RO
Sewell HE
Shannon AN
Sharland JLW
Shaw HT
Shepherd CI
Simson CE
Simson M
Sinclair A
Sinclair C
Sinclair JH
Skinner GT
Sloane AG
Sloane AJ
Sloane HR
Small LJL
Smith AV
Smith EG
Smith LRG
Smith JG
Snow AM
Spalding JK
Spencer HH
Spittle AA
Spittle JN
Spowart EW
Sprigg JGH
Stanlake RJ
Stewart JS
Stock AC
Stock LG
Stodart CM
Stodart CC
Stodart DE
Stodart FL
Stoker EAJ
Stone EJ
Storrer EM
Stott NT
Strickland FP
Strickland L
Stringer HH
Strong HW
Suffield AF
Sutherland HD
Sutterby R
Sutterby TE
Sword RS
Tait AT
Tait JB
Tait JT
Tassell JD
Thacker WE
Thomson NA
Timms CG
Trebilcock F
Trebilcock RE
Tyers AM
Urbahns ARHC
Urquhart AR
Vigar CF
Wadeson WG
Walker GS
Walker SD
Walker WL
Wallace RTA
Ware JS
Warnock SR
Waterhouse GA
Watson GJM
Watt J
Watts WH
Waugh AJC
Webb H
Webber ECS
Weddell RH
Welch DE
Wettenhall AL
Wettenhall RR
White M
White PF
Wighton JRN
Wilkinson ES
Willan GP
Wilson AC
Wilson JAF
Worland VO
Worrall WJ
Wynne TG
Yalland GH
Young IS
Young JW
Young S
Dickson TM
Cameron JD
Champion E
Dennis RAG
Leyden JE
Pasco FCC
Trumble JC
Wilson AH
Anderson AN Died
Barnfather R Died
Bowring JEP Died
Burn HT Died
Burrows WR Died
Campbell AF Died
Campbell NL Died
Cathcart NH Died
Coles JS Died
Collier HR Died
Collins EG Died
Dardel AL Died
Davidson FS Died
Davis JM Died
Dean AW Died
Deane EW Died
Dougall NS Died
Edgar RS Died
England LW Died
Fenton JW Died
Ferrier IE Died
Freeman H Died
George JS Died
George SW Died
Goller AE Died
Govatt HE Died
Gregory EAE Died
Hall WP Died
Harriott G Died
Haughton THE Died
Hawkesworth HE Died
Hearne WW Died
Hendy EP Died
Heyward AE Died
Jackson AC Died
Jones EA Died
Joyce JJ Died
Kaufmann JCS Died
Kozminsky ME Died
Latta CH Died
Lester HR Died
Lowe TR Died
Lyon CH Died
MacDonald AJ Died
Mack EH Died
McDonald JD Died
McGarvie HA Died
Mc William J Died
Moreton AH Died
Morgan EJ Died
Moir G Died
Murray J Died
Needham AB Died
Opie EW Died
Paul GG Died
Paul JC Died
Pearce JW Died
Philip ET Died
Pillow HF Died
Pillow RN Died
Piper KM Died
Purnell HW Died
Purnell FO Died
Reid RA Died
Roberts LEW Died
Roebuck AK Died
Roebuck FH Died
Ross HH Died
Ross JF Died
Rowan AG Died
Sadler NH Died
Sandford PH Died
Sewell PB Died
Sharp HJD Died
Slater JH Died
Sloane WD Died
Smith LS Died
Steele FWA Died
Storrer CM Died
Sutherland CT Died
Webb CM Died
Whitehead HE Died
Willis TN Died
Wilson AB Died
Wrathall HS Died
Young CL Died
Coles DH Died