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Chilwell State School Former Scholars Who Served

Current Location

Chilwell Primary School
313a Pakington Street

Chilwell State School Former Scholars Who Served

School Community, City of Greater Geelong

Board Description

Large wooden honour board with gold lettering. Latin inscription forms the heading with the school initials central. Carved columns and two wreaths separate the heading from names.

Full Inscription

1914 – Pro Deo. – CSS – et Patria – 1919

(4 columns of names)

(Star symbol) DIED ON SERVICE


Last Name Initials Suffix Notation
Allen R
Alsop EA
Artley A
Artley C
Backwell L
Barnfather FW
Barnfather R
Beales R
Beales WA
Beales NJ
Beales P
Beales JT
Beales C
Bennett H
Bennett ET
Bennett HV
Betts J
Bieske H
Bone E
Bowler AE
Bowler LA
Brownlee JG
Bromley JB
Burn H
Burrell HW
Butterworth WJ
Casey L
Clarke E
Clarke REI
Clarke HF
Clarke WG
Cobb F
Cole TC
Cole T
Cole T
Coles E
Coles AE
Collier B
Connor AA Died on Service
Cook SJ
Coombs RC
Coulson L
Cromer HT
Deller HR
Dodd G
Dodd J
Dodd T
Dodds A Died on Service
Douglas FC Died on Service
Douglas R
Downie JCG Died on Service
Drayton H
Dunn J
Duthie W Died on Service
Fisher LJ
Foote A Died on Service
Freeman JR
Frith R
Garlick F
Glew C Died on Service
Glew JT
Gogoll JAS
Grant RD
Harvey CV
Harvey G
Harvey J
Harvey TW
Harvey LJ
Hirst H
Julien A
Julien W
Kelynack AL
Kelynack EHL
Kennedy L Died on Service
Kennedy G
Kennedy GW
Kirby E
Kirby G
Kirby SW
Knight E
Lowe AE
Lowe C
Lowe W
Marriott A
Martin E McA. Died on Service
Martin EI
Martin JC
Mayall J
Mellahn C
Millar EH
Mulder A
McDonald D
McDonald L
McGann HN Died on Service
McGann VL
McPherson E
McPherson J
Newland F
Newland T
Noble C Died on Service
Noble F
Noble RJ
Oke N Died on Service
Palmer A
Pidwell H
Pilkerton W
Pilley H
Powell NVH Died on Service
Profitt JC Died on Service
Price F
Rand F
Rabbas H Died on Service
Reed L
Robinson A
Robinson G
Robinson J
Robinson J
Ross A
Sandford G
Saywell C
Schloen A
Sharp JH
Sherriff E
Siva A
Spendlove AG
Spendlove H
Spendlove S
Stevenson WH
Stokes E
Tampling H
Topen J
Usher HN
Vessey E
Vale R Died on Service
Wall C
Ward A
Waters W
Watts H
Weeks H
Wigley R
Windmill FC
Windmill J
Young DW Died on Service