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Shire of Buninyong Residents Roll of Honor

Current Location

Garibaldi Public Hall
Hardies Hill Road

Shire of Buninyong Residents Roll of Honor

Community, Golden Plains Shire

Board Description

Framed lithograph featuring columns adorned with the female figures of Victory and Freedom. Battlefields are listed on ribbons with the Union Jack and Australian Flag either side of the Rising Sun insignia.

Full Inscription














1914 1919

Shire of Buninyong

(5 columns of names)

* Killed in Action.


Last Name Initials Suffix Notation
Anderson D Killed in Action
Allan CR Killed in Action
Andrews RP Killed in Action
Atkinson K Killed in Action
Atkinson RP Killed in Action
Arthur H
Austin CC M. in D.
Austin HTF
Austin LA
Austin LV
Austin GT
Allen A
Allen H
Allen J
Anthony RL
Anthony L
Anthony R
Appleton E
Allan JG
Allan WH
Allan EA
Amor WR MM
Armstrong JA
Armstrong EW
Adams J
Barber WO Killed in Action
Bright J Killed in Action
Boak AJ Killed in Action
Boyce B Killed in Action
Brock D Killed in Action
Bourchier AP Killed in Action
Bergin FJ Killed in Action
Bourke TP Killed in Action
Bryne JP Killed in Action
Bryne DJ Killed in Action
Bray WS Killed in Action
Bray FD Killed in Action
Braybrook CJ
Braybrook WJ
Braybrook LJ
Boyce ED
Bourke M
Bourchier C
Bourchier H
Bergin BR
Bergin TS
Bergin WP
Bourne FP
Burke P
Burke J
Bryne R
Butler AJ
Butler EJ
Butler J
Bray AE
Boyce F
Ballantyne GJ
Boak WJ
Boak LC
Boak AC (Sen.)
Bowra L
Bowers HJ
Basemore J
Bloxham H
Bloxham W
Bloxham B
Biddle H
Birkett AJ
Bignell A
Buckle F
Buckle S
Bullock HJ
Bunce AG
Butler JJ
Barrett E
Biddle O
Bell M
Binder L
Binder V
Batt WE
Baird R
Bullus J
Brown HC
Cahir MP Killed in Action
Campbell J Killed in Action
Cossar L Killed in Action
Cozens J Killed in Action
Carnegie N Killed in Action
Colquhoun D Killed in Action
Connolly E Killed in Action
Coad JG Killed in Action
Craig A Killed in Action
Carmichael R Killed in Action
Combridge CC Killed in Action
Combes W Killed in Action
Chapman FT Killed in Action
Carpenter SR
Carpenter D
Calway L
Carroll W
Cannane J
Clark H
Cockrane S
Cooper JA
Court TG
Campbell A
Crozier R
Cantlon JT
Cantlon JA
Cantlon PC
Cahir D
Cahir T
Capell AO
Capell TM
Caffrey W
Calf AJ
Callaway H
Clayton W
Collins E
Collins M
Collins P
Coxall AB
Charlton HE
Charlton HM
Charlton WG
Charlton RG
Carmichael A
Carmichael G
Carmichael J
Cambridge AJ
Crosier ET
Callister C
Callister R
Coulson CL
Cody T
Cody F
Cody B
Chapman JE DCM
Crombie JH
Coad AE
Chapman GH
Clark CAP
Dunn T Killed in Action
Drever JD Killed in Action
Davies CR Killed in Action
Dilena R Killed in Action
Dillon G
Dillon CP
Dllon (Dillon?) HG
Dobbin H
Downie JJ
Daff ENP
Davis G
Davis C
Dick R
Doughty A
Drever DJ
Davies TG
Davies TG
Davies P
Duggan M
East Ernest Killed in Action
East TJ Killed in Action
Eason OW Killed in Action
Eldridge J Killed in Action
Earles W Killed in Action
Emery R
East Ed.
Elwes HA
Eason J
Fenner TR Killed in Action
Folwell J Killed in Action
Finnis G Killed in Action
Franks R Killed in Action
Fyans HRN
Fishburn JH
Ferguson FE
Fox G
Fisken AC MC
Freeman Chas.
Freeman Cliff
Fleming HW
Finnis M
Fry R
Fitzsimmons JW MM
Fogarty J
Folwell A
Finnis C
Franks CJ
Gane GWA Killed in Action
Grenfell J Killed in Action
Gane C Killed in Action
Gullick R Killed in Action
Gilmore G Killed in Action
Gillet W Killed in Action
Gallbally J Killed in Action
Gilmore WS
Glasson R
Gazzard N
Gay JP McC.
Gay RA
Gordon HD
Greaves A
Greaves E
Guthrie J
Grenfell R
Garrett J
Gullick G
Grave H
Garrett EP
Hunt W Killed in Action
Hawes A Killed in Action
Hair WAI Killed in Action
Howard GH Killed in Action
Howard C Killed in Action
Haley HW Killed in Action
Hooker AL Killed in Action
Huggins R Killed in Action
Hunt DF
Haywood JT
Halse HL
Hickey E
Hickey S
Hale RC
House Alan
House Albert
Hall A
Harris A
Hauser T
Hunter AE
Hill RG
Hourigan J
Hudson GZ
Henderson A
Henderson L
Halford SG
Hansen H
Hore R
Hore A
Harland F
Hives JH
Harris JF
Harry JR
Harry WL
Hawkins E
Hendy W
Hoare P
Harris JE
Harrison JM
Hanlon W
Hankinson J
Huggins GRV
Huggins E
Huggins HL
Jeffrey AE Killed in Action
Jude DH Killed in Action
Jenkin GA Killed in Action
Jannsen E Killed in Action
Jannsen C Killed in Action
Johnston H Killed in Action
Johnson WA
Jordan D
Jenkins R
James AE
James HF
Johnston Gower
Johnston G
Johnston C
Johnston S
Jones HP
Jones OT
Jones NH
Johnson R
Jackson RS
Jenkin RL
Jackson J
Jones R
Kemp F Killed in Action
Kincade R Killed in Action
Kinane J
Kincade TJ
Kernwick S
King C
King JE
Kincade JE
Knowles J
Knight JLR
Kennedy HW
Kennedy LV
Lewis J Killed in Action
Love W Killed in Action
Le Maitre A Killed in Action
Lumsden JW Killed in Action
Lumsden Jas. Killed in Action
Lawless R Killed in Action
Leveret G Killed in Action
Lippiatt CM Killed in Action
Lorensini WR DCM Killed in Action
Little WH
Little R
Longden FR
Longden CR
Longden NA
Luke JH C. de G.
Luke R
Lusher AL
Lillicrap R
Lusher H
Lambert W
Lambell W
Letcher W
Love R
Logie J
Lanyon JR
Long H
Mellican T Killed in Action
Morgan RH Killed in Action
Morris F Killed in Action
Morris J Killed in Action
Michell EL Killed in Action
Miles RB
Molony S
Morgan HV
Moloney J
Meade A
Meade E
Morris W
Murphy W
Medley O
Medley L
Mitchell E
May W
Middleton G
Morpeth WK
Mason B
Moloney W
McKenzie DD Killed in Action
McClure E Killed in Action
McCarty PT Killed in Action
McCarey W Killed in Action
McGregor W Killed in Action
McLean H Killed in Action
McCrimmon Mary Sister
McNab Marion Sister
McKay F
McKay L
McDonald DG
McLennan J
McLennan D
McLaughlin H
McGahey JH
McMinn HG
McCarty E
McKinnon E
McKenzie M
McKenzie N
McKenzie J
McBain JH
McBain AK
McTaggart WH
McLachlan R
McLachlan AR
McKay P
McGregor J
Nicholson J Killed in Action
Nankervis R Killed in Action
Nalder F Killed in Action
Nugent J
Nugent A
Nugent M
Neumann CJ
Nicholas A
Newitt AC
Olney R Killed in Action
O'Toole Len Killed in Action
O'Malley P Killed in Action
O'Grady JE
O'Grady AM
Odgers VR
O'Brien J
Oxenham SH
O'Toole Les
O'Loughlin TC
Oak LJ
O'Brien W
Powell C Killed in Action
Pearce R Killed in Action
Pearce E Killed in Action
Porter H Killed in Action
Parsons W Killed in Action
Parkinson J Killed in Action
Pearson HG
Prunty P
Parker AC
Parker JR MSM
Parker EE
Parsons H
Porter AB
Poole H
Peers C
Perrin H
Pierce T
Parker HJ
Price-Smith T
Purdue J
Purdue L
Quinn A Killed in Action
Quinn A
Quick J
Robinson R Killed in Action
Robinson SJ Killed in Action
Robertson W Killed in Action
Richards JT Killed in Action
Rainbow N Sister
Russell RP
Robertson LJ
Robertson O
Robinson J
Robinson W
Robinson JA
Rasmussen J
Rasmussen C
Robinson F
Reece A
Reed A
Ronalds FG
Rodgers W
Richie AW
Rodgers J
Ronalds RN
Rava G
Rowlands JJ
Roche MR
Richards A
Richards W
Rumler HV
Ryan TH
Scott B Killed in Action
Sweeney G Killed in Action
Smith Y Killed in Action
Slattery W Killed in Action
Stephens FG Killed in Action
Saunders C Killed in Action
Shearer A Killed in Action
Skewes H Killed in Action
Salmon WG Killed in Action
Sellers E
Smith G
Sampson E
Scullion R
Salmon G
Salmon JW
Salmon RA
Skurrie AS
Skurrie RH
Speak LR
Stewart I
Stewart W
Sutherland ET
Sykes RS
Scott FES
Scott RS
Scott W
Smith F
Smith T
Smith H
Smith C
Smith SH
Sweeney L
Saunders E
Saunders EL
Saunders CN
Singleton J
Sutcliffe J
Stephens WE
Stephens A
Sides FJ
Sandall S
Sandall A
Thompson AB Killed in Action
Trezise JA Killed in Action
Tierney A Killed in Action
Thompson V Killed in Action
Treloar L Killed in Action
Tremain C
Treweek N
Tregenna CWC
Trezise J
Tiley HA
Tait H Sister
Taylor E
Taylor P
Tubridy J
Tyler J
Tierney L
Tierney E
Tierney J
Turner CGG
Toomey JJ
Vanotti PH Killed in Action
Veal C
Viccars R
Veale PC
Vance RB
Vernon LJ
Vernon LH
Way CA Killed in Action
White J Killed in Action
Wallis G Killed in Action
Well R Killed in Action
Wright HP Killed in Action
Walters F Killed in Action
Walters FC
Westcott SM
Westcott FT
Westcott J
Westcott WG
Willoughby AG
Wolff O
Webb V
Webb Len
Webb Les
Willis D
Wells AA
Worland V
Williams GG
Weldon RJMM
Wallis G
Wallis H
Wanliss C
Wanliss DS
Walmsley HM
Watkins RS
Whitten H
Whitten T
Whykes W
Willison A
Wilson P
Wyatt EW
Wylie A
Watkins AC
Went J
Whykes F
Wallis D
Wearne H
Wells G
Weavell J
Yung A Killed in Action
Yung E
Yates H