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Tableland and District State School Roll of Honour

Current Location

Morrisons CFA Shed
564 Elaine-Morrisons Road

Tableland and District State School Roll of Honour

School Community, Golden Plains Shire

Board Description

Mounted and framed portraits surrounding a lithographed page featuring names, flags of the allies and botanical flourishes.

Full Inscription


Roll of Honour

S.S. 2086 Tableland and District

(2 rows of portraits with captions, 3 columns of names)


Last Name Initials Suffix Notation
Rymer E
Hunt W
Hunt DF
Atchinson BM
O'Reilly W
Wallace RD
Walker JV
Lewis WJ
Anderson C
Morrison R
Rymer J
Anderson A
Fouracre RS
Miller AF
Hodge VW
Quinn A
Grieves Jas.
McCormack TP
Knight L
Grieves S
Hayes H
Marshall RW
Quinn A
Boulton W
Gordon V
Ferguson DJ
Thomas AB
Wells A
Worland T
Attenborough EJ
Attenborough AE
Turnour JO
Darling J
Attenborough FS
Atchinson J
Banks R
Morrison C
Turnour J
Turnour AW
Turnour R
Turnour JE
Turnour K
Turnour AW
McCormack MF
Gordon J
Rymer E NSA Record
Miller A NSA Record
Rymer J NSA Record
Hayes H NSA Record
O'Reilly W NSA Record
Hodge P
Walker V
Quinn Alb.
Worland T NSA Record
Anderson C
Quinn Gus
McCormack M
Ferguson Dug. NSA Record
Fouracre R NSA Record
Gordon J
Anderson A NSA Record
Hunt W NSA Record
Hunt Dug.
Banks R NSA Record
Morrison C
Boulton W NSA Record
Wallace R
Turnour Jack NSA Record
Turnour Don
Turnour Keppel
Turnour Jas.
Turnour Tom NSA Record
Grieves Jas.
Grieves St.
Marshall R
Atchison Bert
Thomas A
Knight L
Darling J NSA Record
Morrison R
McCormack T
Gordon V NSA Record
Wells A
Atchison J
Attenborough EJ
Attenborough FS
Attenborough AE
Lewis W
Wood CJ
Francome R
Knight E Nurse
Francome N Nurse