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Australian Natives Association Members of Geelong Branch Who Served

Current Location

Last known location: Board Room, Exchange Buildings, Market Square (unconfirmed)

Australian Natives Association Members of Geelong Branch Who Served

Social Group, City of Greater Geelong

Board Description

Based on a black and white newsprint image (reproduced at left) the board has a peaked top with intricate detailing and features the ANA logo with three arched columns bearing the names. SOURCE: News of the Week, 27 June 1918.

Full Inscription


In Honour Of

the Members of Geelong Branch A.N.A. who served in the Great War.

(3 columns of names)


Last Name Initials Suffix Notation
Pilley HW
Dowsing AH Died
Barnfather RA Died
McConnell WW
Rae JW Died
Bowden A Died
Beames WLT
Hawkesworth HE
Gollan HR
Wilkin F
Potter ES
Sutcliffe T
Simmons E Died
Edgar JM
Woodburgess GR
Murray ED
Wilson AV
Jones TJ Died
Brownhill EC
Brownhill HE
Kitchen FG
Newland FA
Newland JH
England LW Died
Meakin AI
Potter W Died
Gray TH
Fuller HT
Storrer H Died
Smith AV
Rashleigh GF
Gray LP
Burgess JB Died
Henry AG
Spencer RB
Stubley F
McFarlane H
Little RD
Wilson RC
Downie JC Died
Birdsey OR
Marwood AW Dr
Elvins HF Dr
Scott RG
Maynard H
McGlashan A
Gell RE Died
Gell FJ Died
Pike JD
Pike CH
Hellings C
Trigg F
Clarke LRS
Pescott DM
Brownbill SW
Muller AV Died
Winkler LE
Fogarty FY
Randall H
Grigg AJ Died
Hodges NF
Fenwick GR
Daniel JJ
Mitchell LG
Smellie C
Johnston RD
Deane G
Handley HS
Thompson GV
Thacker BD
Henderson PC
Kerley JT
Anderson JS
Jullyan AF
Miles JC Died
Elburn HC
Miles HH
Caldwell RM
Armour D
McCreath W
Tann PC
Smith T