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Geelong Lawn Tennis Club Honour Roll

Current Location

Last known location: Geelong Lawn Tennis Club, Brougham Street

Geelong Lawn Tennis Club Honour Roll

Sports Club, City of Greater Geelong

Board Description

An image of this board has not been identified. This description will be updated if any further information is found.

Full Inscription



Last Name Initials Suffix Notation
Austin F
Austin HT
Belcher EN
Brisbane HC
Brown CN
Campbell LN
Carr ET
Carr RI
Cunningham AJ
Douglas AM
Kennedy D Dr.
Miller E
Evans N
Evans SW
Fetherstonhaugh R Dr.
Fetherstonhaugh T Dr.
Freeman N
Hurst EJ
Hurst LN
Inglis AK
Izon CE
Lascelles FH
Loughnane V
Noall AJ
O'Brien J Dr.
Reid RA
Roebuck SR
Sargood WE
Steel JH
Storrer HH