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Corio State School Honor Roll

Current Location

Unknown, likely destroyed by fire in 1981
Last known location: Corio State School, 38 Hendy Street

Corio State School Honor Roll

School Community, City of Greater Geelong

Board Description

No images or visual descriptions of this board have been located. A news report states that the board contained 17 names and may have included some service details. It is also possible that more names were added later. Fundraising efforts saw £14/2/6 subscribed towards the cost of the board (Geelong Advertiser 28/10/1918, page 5). A former student named JTD, reminiscing about living in Corio, mentions seeing the roll in the 1920s and describes it as a World War Honour Board (Investigator, June 1987).

Full Inscription


(17 names thought to be inscribed)


Last Name Initials Suffix Notation
Morgan WT Killed in Action More Info
Morgan GHV More Info
Stirling WR Killed in Action More Info
Dearnley AV Killed in Action More Info
Dearnley Cecil R More Info
Moodie Edgar More Info
Moodie Edward More Info
Shannahan H More Info
Dunn H More Info
Shannahan James More Info
Dunn James More Info
Dunn William More Info
Dunn John More Info
Rollins B More Info
Fraser D More Info
McLaughlan D More Info
Sutherland D More Info