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Melbourne Electric Supply Co. (Geelong Branch) Roll of Honour

Current Location

Last known location: State Electricity Commission Social Rooms, Yarra Street

Melbourne Electric Supply Co. (Geelong Branch) Roll of Honour

Industry, City of Greater Geelong

Board Description

Highly ornate wooden honour board featuring photographic portraits of each soldier with their names inscribed in beaten bronze. The photos of the three fallen men are encircled in carved olive branches. The outer sections of the board have a canopy effect capped in bronze. IMAGE SOURCE: GRS0710 State Electricity Commission Collection, Geelong Heritage Centre. DESCRIPTION SOURCE: Geelong Advertiser 2 July 1923.

Full Inscription


(31 portraits and names)


Last Name Initials Suffix Notation
Myors DJ Driver Killed
Sutton EVS Sgt. Killed
Wilson RM Pte. Killed
Hunter RVL Driver
Elden CR War Ofr.
Mackay GG Lieut.
Collins GG Capt.
Young J Driver
Thompson GV Driver
Woods GE Gunner
Wallace JO Pte.
Watson SR Cpl.
Marchant FC Sgt.
Fraser J Sgt.
Meakin RHL Sgt.
Faller W Pte.
Lynch RFC Pte.
Hewitt P Pte.
Jenkins ER Cpr., MM
Shepherd CI Driver
Daniel JJ Pte.
Surtees A Cpl.
Schleon A Sgt., DCM
Drayton WR Sgt., MM, MSM
Ellis T Pte.
MacKinlay NL Lieut.
Beard D Cpl.
Deane GA Pte.
Taylor VGR Coy. Sgt. Major
Vigar CF Driver
Beach SE Lieut.